The Lima Gazette and The Lima Republican from Lima, Ohio (2024)

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The Lima Gazette and The Lima Republicani

Lima, Ohio

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Dtc Oitly Dint rival Won Wa3 thr Answer STOCK ADVANCE DUE TO MONEY MARKET TREND ft awt4 fit1 muTnn AMfltt it Mbtoa imi i i i in 4 jM iiin LITTLE MARY MIX-UP Isn't Imagination a Wonderful TMelgq VIW MOT in' AmHM SaMMal Aft 'VftMft iAMBataV VMWt tRIMMM (I ill wmm- a fs wTrv fn weep 1 i lOTMNDVK TOH) WHEAT HITS NEW HIGHER TREND IN oA MJKl MM to MERCHANT SHIPS TO BE SUBSIDIZED wo 4tot tos tow tonto Mto oasfsss1 I lVosn ito ejesjf SiosaV tAwnS3 CATTLE AND HOGS LIIRIIIIIS I gNejaNMjBaWNN NNjNjgWRR JNNNNNI sse fcooa) npito Mjsototo-wP J'Z TOP RECORD FOR PRESENT SEASON a 4 ol I tuoi Nmwu WSM s1 II took doreeo XfffLtkmS fRoi -SS ft! 0 9 ft rt 1 cj 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL STANDINGS GIVEN PJJJ iM8ntic 4PalPj "31 JBoWvtaHM JsWaWokMB BaNMVMBb flj P5 eej 'SS 0 The Latter HUT Of Session: Urwpuui WW! 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7 ions laas IMS nl nl nt edaa acontrlballne bdlllah influence Mo Pac It bereme clear nl thle aiae how- Xevadh Cop rvi-r thai enilment bed anderaone aN decided ehaap reaardlne- wheal for nl lekat the lime beln Throuejhoui i Nor Pec Ilia remalndrf of Ibe day ihe Am Pel lAwranea Boboon Wrat Elm Hirtoi waa fined no and roata In JumIcp ears I leakoraa veee Lam be 60 higher Oood to ekelce 1460dlll00: fair to coed 116041464: No 1 Bprlagere all Quyton'a court yaatrrday mi HI 14a ito sfi 14a eetonda 10M0I1M common lM4 whrn ili" court round him amity of Large fad duoka (wkIM) Indian Runno durks of prieea wna downamde aa a rule i Fenn with numeroua weak hnldrra attempt- Pare Xarq Ina to unload and with commlaaloa Pierce Arrow houar prsalna lo aell 'torce )ll c-ottMi in flu furn market wen Pullman NONET' Pat llHH full MS MS MS IIS lllS IMS 11SS Young ouiaeaa eaea old iJutnaas ch sas sss sis si aetrlbed mainly lo rrporta that thai Pure oil CLEVELAND Feb Cattle re At how eat rale celpte 2C0 higher llena 4 Ibe and over TO A jM calvs rereipts job steady Choice domeallc dleipparance nf corn liae'itay con been at a rate much beyond what the Iteudlne trade ill anrnl auppnard Both conivHep Aod net nnta touched new hlch price Hoy ileus under 4 Ibe Old rooatree 74S 78 74S 74S MS SSS 62 S3 MS COS MS 60S raraUVi So 86o veal calves 110049 1860 fair lo BOOd 6004SSO0 a charm of cruelty to animal Botmon waa lakan Into cuatody whlla lirntiiiK li" horac police taati-fletf The warrant vraa aworn to by Frank KIIHan ucnt for the 8oclety for Prevention of Cruelty to Animate Juatlce Guyton allowed Hobaon 0 tojnj In which to pay tho fine after which he will bo committed to the Toledo workhouae if he faila to pay Strictly freeh candled agga For Your Money which may be withdrawn at any date with interest computed from date of note The Shawnee Finance Co 120 High St Hk for the aeaeon hut later were Sinclair il governed largely by the changea In So Pac So Jly Hheep and lambs recelpte 1 nee steady Choice lambs 1 46040 1600: fair to rood 8000)1160: choice aheen on real ot portoaai prop- liVEIIMi f'liouUCB ft nuvrvn i-i is "I'i! 24't S44 24 I'nvimana like aratn exueeoeu an nil 56(I'( 800 fair lo good 8004f4M Hoks rereluta 3000 10 to 16 blahar In tube 46 0 48H prima 4444s extra flrata 4Z40S41 flrela 4lt4114 recent high levels Advances in ine ntuaeoaHer vfcluu of hogs were partly responsible Texaa Oil 86 I H6 94 04 46S 46S 44j 46 erty Any amount akraignt liana or monthly payrneeita aud so too waa tlm monthly aiatc- all Money ment showing diminished stocks Yorkers 1090: mixed and plga knd lights iO10 rougha 800 ataga 000 KAKT BUirPALO LIVBOTOCK EAST HfKPALo Feb Cattle receipts 60: ateady Calves receipts 128 steady 8000 1460 siconda 15030 packing alock 170 Is Kgga fresh gathered northern ex-trke 39tt extra firsts 314 "bio flrata new caeeo S7H: old caaea 37 western: firate new oaaea 36 V4 Ulcomargarino pound prints nul oIlo 210 28: high grade made of animal oil: 28028V4 lower gradea 190 IHS 5HAWN EC FINANCE co fiHll TA1IIK Open High fow Cl STANDARD OIL STOCKS I PCPATED BV LIMA SUSINCSJ Mtfc! IIOWHIOH gt TtXMAIM IH 7 142341 138141 139 May 22 i FORUM TO HEAR HEALTH LEADER Mrs Ullian Burt of the atnte department of health will nddrcaa tho Uma Open Forum Sunday afternoon IVbruary 18 at the First ronBreca- 121 lZtltl- 1 1 1 i Juiv neportad by A Rubsam A Co All quotations doller per ahare ISO CORN 02 05 13 HI AS till 06 Cheese yorkatat 23Q24: hrlrk 22 0 1 24 fancy Rwlea 40 061 Northern Wia-consln) 26027 llmburger 26020 Pnnltrv ItVM Iimiivv fnwla Hogs receipts 4800: slow: steady to 10 higher: heavy 105A 1060: mixed 1060 to76 yorkera 1076 light do and pigs 105OM1076 rougha 820B 860 stage 4000600 8I101 and lambs receipts 400 steady unchanged Bid Aa'd STOCKS tional church Her topic will be 17 17H "Social Hygiene" Mrs Burt la a Ipon May July Mw IARP May July TUBS May July I 93 lint IJ2 I 34 11112 I or 1 iao iiit! lecturer of atate wide renown and has been on the Ohio platform for the Inst 25 yeara dealing with phases of social hygiene For the last two PITTNni'RtiH LIVESTOCK PITTSBL'KOH Pa Feb Hogs receipts 3600 lower Heavies 10160 1025 heavy and light yorkera 1070 01075: pigs 05001025 Sheep and lamba recelpta 400: steady Top sheep 900 top lambs 1500 rooaters 16017 spring chickens cutis 230 24 choice 28: live spilng ducks 27028: turkey 83034: live geese 21 capona 30032 Dressed poultry jobs 6010 cents higher than livestock Rabbits 1600200 doxen Jacks 400 doxen rotators 3000340 sack 160 pounds: Michigan 296 sack 160 pounds: early Ohioa 210 two bushel sacks: red river 340 for 120 pound sack: fancy western 3 cents pound new stock 1700 01726 barrel garnets 245 hamper Sweet potatoes Delaware 1800190 11186 11105 111 nil 11125 11120 1 1 05 1110 yeara she has been devoting her 145 9l 44 110 171 i'i 2t'A 1 Anglo-American Oil Co kiorne Scrynteer I Buckeye 1'hie Lino i'heaebroogh Ml'g I Continental OH i crescent Pipe lino I Cumberland Pipe Uureka Pipe Line i Oalenu-Kigual (Com) I dale na-Signal (Pfd) I Illinois Pipe Line Indiana Pipe Line Nat Transit Transit Northern Pipe Line I Prali le oil (Jag I Prairie Pipe Lino I Solar Refining Southern Pipe Line South Penn Oil forst to the care and reclamalion of 91 186 128 32 136 88 41 107 167 89 29 154 102 535 242 360 94 186 top Calves receipts 226 steady 1350 delinquent girls MI'(iAIl MARKET Legal Notices TOI1CIJO liHm TOLEDO Feh 10 Wheat cash 141: May 150: July 127 Corn cash 00 Oats cash 43 Rve No 2 99 Bhrley 09 seed prime cash February and March 1650: April 1440 Alsike prime cash and February 12 46: March 1250 early NEW YORK Feb The raw sugar market was firmer Raw Gazette Want Ada Bring Reaulta 1 167 1105 545 24B 380 90 190 03 59 Penn Pipe Line sugar futures at midday showed advances of 4 to 6 points Refined un- changed No transactions in refined future Sugar futures closed steady approximate sales 11660 tons March 221 May 210 July 257 September 270 H5UI Indiana $26 par) Tlmothv prime cash and February I 325 March 330 ts 45 1504 6 1 4 60 175 450 165 361 380 70 tu CO Kansas Co Kentucky Co Nebraska (W L) Co New York Co Ohio Swan Finch Vacuum Oil Washington Oil fillAIN CINCINNATI Fb Wheal 147 Corn SOW 01 Oats steady 42 Ry steady 103S104 Potjloes home grown 450f500 ior 390 35 327 32 EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The Jacob Boone farm consisting of about One Hundred Thirty (130) acres about one (1) mile liast of Lima Ohio splendid location paved road can easily be divided into small tracts will be sold by iho undersigned at Private Sale very soon For information confer with HAMILTON Executor 319 Opera House Block Lima Ohio 33 4 23 LIBERTY BOJVDg NEW YORK Feb Liberty bonds I closed '9684: first 4's 9714 I second 4's 9670: first 4's 9700 second Iti's 9680 tbird 44's 9760 fourth I 4Vb 9740 Victory 344's 100 Victory barrel: No 2 225(260 per barrel: tuuzz Michigan 325 iff ij in sacK Ohio 275W30O per 120 ID sacK The Franklin Finance Co John Cover Jr Trcaa 129y2 West High Street Rooms i-a-a-4 2nd Floor 1st door east of Post Office Companies in other Cities Similar to The Cincinnati Finance Co Are Paying Splendid Dividends REPORTS from companies in other large cities engaged in the same line of business financing real estate and commercial loans as The Cincinnati Finance Company show that they are enjoying splendid business and are paying dividends considerably above the ordinary The Cincinnati Finance Co's list of stockholders numbering over 2000 includes the names of several hundred bank presidents and officials an evidence that this investment meets with their requirements The Surplus and Undivided Profit Account of this company has shown steady increases Financial Statements are issued monthly Within a year the capital stock dividends have been increased from 8 to 11 Circular and further information sent upon request Price $12 per Dividends 11 These shares may be purchased on a partial payment plan first payment $240 per share and the balance in four equal monthly payments of 1340 per share A Frank sXld Established 1905 Fifth Floor Union Trust Building CINCINNATI OHIO Eight 'Long Distance Phones Main 3134 Private wire to leading financial nnters Hay 1400 1 21 CALL MOSKP NEW YORK Feb 16 Call money oasv high 4 low 4 ruling rate 4 -loslne hid 3 '4 offered at 4 Iist loan 4 call loans against acceptances 314 Time loans firm 60 days 90 duyi 4 06 six months 444 06 Prime mercantile paper 4 05 NOTICE GAS CONSUMERS WE HAVE INSPECTORS OCT (HK'A0 PRODUCE CHICAGO Feb Butter easy: creamery extras 36'4 firsts 31035 seconds 28030 standards 34 Eggs higher receipts 11677 cases firsts 3644: ordinary firsts 32036 miscellaneous 3403444 MAKING A CANVASS OF THE CITY I mil T1IK PIRPOSK OF ADJUST-1 WHY ARE BRUNSWICK NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT The State of Ohio Allen County ss Estate of Kate A Black Deceased William Black of Chicago III has been appointed and qualified as Executor of the estate of Kate A Black late of Allen County Ohio deceased Mated 2nd day of February n22 JESSE HAMILTON Probate Judge INti ALL GAS APPLIANCES RECORDS CONSIDERED THE IN THIS CONNECTION IT HAS BEST? JUST TRY ONE AND DE-COME TO OUR ATTENTION THAT ODE FOR YOURSELF THE MACS IN CERTAIN INSTANCES PERSONS 1 PIANO CO PIANO HOUSE OTHER TH4N EMPLOYES OF THIS LIMA'S LARGEST COMPANY HAVE GAINED AD- LEGAL NOTICE In The District Court of The t'nlted States for The Northern District of Ohio Western Division In Bankruptcy To the creditors at Karl Bauah-nian of Lima in the county: of Allen aiid district aforesaid a bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that on February 13 1922 the said Earl MITTANCE TO HOMES UNDER PRETENSE OP MAKING AN INSPECTION WE WISH TO ADVISE YOU THAT OUR EMPLOYES ALL CARRY IDENTIFICATION CARDS AND AS A SAFEGUARD WE SUGGEST Get Ready For Spring Now in tho time to make your plans If you need Money lust see us at our office or phone Main 3584 Lima Loan Co 20S Opera House Lima 0 Liughman waa duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of creditor will be held ft the office of 11 Orindle Lima Ohio on Febru-ary 25 1922 at 1 clock in the afternoon at which time said creditors may attend prove their claims appoint a trustee examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as mty properly come before said meeting I GRINDLE Refereo in Bankruptcy 1 THAT YOU REQUEST ANY ONE REPRESENTING THEMSIXVES TO BE EMPLOYES OF THIS COMPANY TO SHOW THEIR CARD BEFORE ADMITTINf THEM TO' YOUR HOME THE LIM NATURL (iAS COMPANY.

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The Lima Gazette and The Lima Republican from Lima, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.