Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Beaver Dam Argusi

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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4 ATTRACTIONS uurwp BOOTS 5 7 ASIIOEt 4 to Ir 3 4 CALL AND IOO1 i 5 5 block i 1 Barnett's to Village of ox Lake) a I Si 1 on wJh 4 V' 4 A 4 Bremen hu and unable to si com a I nw sej 1 'i 'r TIL 14 19 19 19 a I 4 ir 4 14 Sec 27 7 32 3 i AT PRICES 'Sv' i Beaver Dam April 20th 18807677 tuf 2'4 24:24 i rangeX'14 Sec 27 2832 r32 33 28w4 A SCOTTJ utts fi 4 Sj TH MBE block! 3 ut il4 ot Ho ot 7 i ot 2't lot 31 lol lot TO1 32 31 32 32 1 3232 Village of oi Lake 'tjr 'V Jr' 7 Sec 14 (T 12' '4 'i 16 13)a 2 317Jots 1 2 3 of subdi jfe vision of pe4 Village of Waushara 6 I block 1 4 pressure whicn the bondholders are now bringing td bear on him we may hope that the interests and rights of taxpayers as op posed to the outrageous exaction of bond holders will' be Regarded by 'congressnext The amount' of bonds which the secretaryfnay purchase under the law providing for a sinking fund Is a 'disputed question He assumes that le maybuy ah? amount equal to that which i Secretary McCulloch wa au thorized to purchase and he shall do so there will be in addition to the explosion of afOrrupt partisan theory such a decrease inHe public' indebtedness as rwill sensibly lesseiThe burdens of the taxpayers? I fc TOWNSEND JfySTtt sip 114 SHEiEltfAN srx 4 4 a South Side SioeZStdre i 't ALL KIWpS Sec 4 f'j Town 9 Range Sec 2 neq seq 10 swq swq 5th Wardi i Blk (J lots 1 and 4 120 ft nw cor lot 1 7 lot 10 17 7 lots 7 and 8f 10 lot 9r 8 11 lot 2 19 1 1 lot 5 16 lots 710 11 19 10 I lot 12 1G lots 8 9 40 I Spaulding to atertown I Alfof Bjk 1 all of Blk 23' lo'ts 2 Blk 27 Bonner rirsc Aaa to atertown i I I to'! 3 7 'V lots 1'and 2 5j Blk 9 Second lots 1 2 3 4 Blk 16 lots 5 6 7 8 Blk 19 TXT 1 rt 1 A 4 ITT Pt TYT 5 13 lie22 I 11 4U clltJl 11 Il OlU HarU 26 22 ft front on Herman st by 78 fd deep on e' niHo Af A zl I4 IB nnd 1 kIL Otktc Vi 1VM 1VL 1VOVU 7 UIA 26 I lot 7 Ik 1 yt lots 12 and blkZL '27 2d to Watertown 2 lot 8 blk 4 i I whfseqr sec 34 town 9 range 15 a Miscellaneous Description' i 4 nt Commencing nw cor lands heretofore deed ed to Sanborn on sec 32 915 thence 16 rods thence to county line 19 rods' 17 1 ks Whence 16 deg 16ods 15 Hhence 21 rodsi and to placeof begining containing 2 1 16 acres i 1 here is more than an ordinary amount of pointed truth in the following brief edi torial from the Troy (N Y) Presss The editors of that paper have aL way of saying things which we like: Too We crow onr Pacific Railroad and boast our wealth resour ces while corruption stalks in onr Legisla tures? State and ederal while class legis lation is making the favored rich still richer despised poor still poorerp while the money of the countryJs finding its wayin to the hands oL monopolists and a financial crash is looming iup like a black fog on the horizon while the Constitution which if re spected and would bless ings beneficial to ns is alternately scoffed at ignored or tinkered until it is become a shifting quicksand knowing where it will next give way to the advance of ainscrupulons and foolhardy adventurers who 7 are willing fto runt the chance of involving alf in ruin Let" our first care be to have a a lUnz ion of free and independent States with rights protected against assault and we shall feel in Is bet ter mood to over progress wh i ch with these an tecedents cured is real and enjoyable but without them is ill usoryi and Quick Work A minister in Is land wrote to one ofour resident ministers a letter' ajlo wed to make the following extract: Sunday afternoon funeral of Willie bright little five year old boy That night his father died ih a fit pn Tuesday preached his funeral sermon Wednesday night I was'called iipon to" join his widow in wedlock with deacon' 7one of the mill who has six children I thinkr the' wjjiowrzwill' be! con 4 bne had better plant on his grave and thus 'raise cropof marketable vatu to help assuage a There is we believe a yague idea in the public mind that though1' have been pay: ing taxes very smartly since the close of thewar we have something' to' show for it that we have been paying national debt pretty fast" Such persons would do well to quit dreaming and jreap the following para' graphwhich we clip 'from the CincinnatiEnquirer: gift df making' everything appear lovely and of suspending the financial goose at a lofty elevation is one peculiar to latter day SecretanesofTlfe Treasury We doubt if there 'could be any combi natiod' of circ*mstances which would prevent the usual mpatb ly exhibit from showing a large redqoSioh of theiUebt Unfortunately however the figures do not always bear out the statement3! MrrrBout wel 'iCapf pear that on the 1st of May thq Governmental indebtedness was about six nqjllions less thay 'on the first of At such jate of reduction it is of to 'see1 nn speedy Comparing May' 14869 lrd867 we pnd the following' condition offaffairp On the 1 st ofs May 1869 the debt was $24 5291 58205 On' the 1st of May 2j '509 Asthe this rate when will the debt be paidl andwithout sortfe glimpse of daylight will people stand This ceYtainly does not' look like reduction of the debt1 But' this increase of nver'eijyhtft million nnlV tells a pai't of thel i8tory iTwq years ago a' lage pa of Jhe debt either paid na interest or six per cent or rat thq most seyen thji'ty in greenbacks' By a steady process of con version nearly All this had turned into jKve4wenty bbndsn beakingaigold interest of six per cent per(jnnunn these bopds jbytnfaceobthecontrapt iandrthe terms of the law 'creating them bare real iy payable inlawful money? has lately set its self toichange this contract in the interest of he bondholder and has pledged the national I far it has a bright to do soto a full 1 jayment in gold of this loan If this usurpation is allowed to stand wehave an addition the actualUdebt of? 'efrht lundred millionsiqf dollars I 'Racine Argus 1 Thia is the way the nublic credit has been a 1 a a 4 I strengthened Dy tne jxaoical uonerress who 'J When uiurnpii HnmH VHHrN Hini inp pnnra rrArnrn mentof the1 country'" and' aretherefore Posed redeem the' national bonds in green responsible for the preseiitstate of affairs I backs bur republican opponents said' repu They haver had Tull' sway peopledet diation secretary Boutwell goes into them have it in their hour of follv and wa the New York market with this goldzand a a a a I rx 4 1 a I a 4 a A Ytd Tooa rf if 4 nnvAo onrl eAo LUC Alcau I AM vs VWUlrMl VAVIIOGO VI 4it had been Permanent grinding taxation a hard 1 Tt to CARRIAGE dAMUACTIIRER 3 CIMTES BEAVER 1t RING AC IN THE'STATK'OT STTEE THAT VI DB DESIRED OUIf WOOD WORK i 4 i 'I BASTERK Ant i finished xrpso' as to gtye perfect aatiisfactTon at LOW PRICER Wa also keep for sale jtntall wood parts of Carriagea AU mntiHer Carriage Re pairingI)on ilndr alad a nerat' BtACKSTH 'work Warranted eijualia style and d'uraVniity Better Carriage Painting i ion 'v: 1 ThaAcaabe doe at a ay other shop in the city i UWWADRi' i Jafy th 18 63 33 I JU1 'J coin cent on the dollar represent the upland' cotton cropspvery se 1 The explosion of this idea and that tod riouslyinjured by" lae recent weatner I on toe heels orpine passage foi ocuencKs in many places rendering replanting jneces public credit bill will unite people of 'all 'ryjTbe Me tln4 look po'miing shall employ whatever advantage 1 it may There iseniraraanse crereee throne lithe possess tin toe pririlege if has reserved' to a I a question will nowassunie a prom plantatioM in St Bernard Parish are ouder 1 inence' it has not before aud ifwatsr I Secretary Boutwell will' but firmly resist the 'dfcu a 'v4Yf io jett iwii 14 'U'd5 is I se 1 12 tii' Town9Range 13 2r nw se qr 2 rSwseqr 15 nw neqri 10 1 ne nw i22 :11 Me iiw i neJU 4 22' Ilk neqr 24 12 nw sw qr Uf 2712 I sw ar 4 :13 aw nw ne s22j A' tri 4 A it 77 ROxT STKEET Tn ttimadurof th wfsU of WHlin Hchrd 1 7NfiEADtl(G nd filing thje petition ofMrv Dn Vz 1 wd of the town of CajAinna fw Ju Dodge and 8UU of Wheoatin reprgenttAL NlpgJ Ihat WilliMa JtTichud of of Mns Dodge Co WiUtly said town ieatfng goods chsUob tMs County aed that she the Udd VefltlXl ft widow of said deceased and prtiTinr thai tdfrrfwL tion ot wtid estat be granted Moftr And it is farther ordered that nbtite thereof w' I to the heire of said deceased and Sl ested ty publishing copy of tAh weeks successirely prior tb aldky of hearing fn Beaver Dam Argrut a weekly newspafier arifJt published at Bearer Dam in said 5 Dated the 19th day of May AID 1 I 7 26W3 57hl8C0raJpANC6tyy 4 1 'S 1 that' i RESPCTTTTLLY nrraonnee to the pttblie Hbat tit are prepared to: fill all (orders tor sunythings the lumber line either plabefi' er uiiplsed also I 1 1 r'j '7 1 41 4 if? Shingles Lath enee PGsts Sc1 Also keep constantly cm hand tNe Beat ntawtifacti 4 yi rc SASH DOORS BLINDS AND MOULDINGS A' DESCR1DTTON8Z Our Stock is the Largest to De fe'ttnd aentaftU' of GREAT LUMBER HARKETi 'ST i 4 "a Ir of the best qnalfty and Will fie aeld At Vey gguv Contracts for i tt lb i't 5 pf dX 4 I ALX KINDS 0T BUILDING ANq J0BMNO Taken at To ffre tra call it satisfaction i ir a i ket Car Sfirrg A Middle Beaver Dam Jan 9th186S I is indeed: encouragingffe'butiione swallow I make a sum mer nor dothe opera I tionsof the treasury for a single month show whether we are oh a making rany I steady impression bn the debt Going?" back sand comparing the statement for May 1868 I with that just made vye find that the amount is now greater by Nearly $25000000 than I it was a year ago I fIaithe late'municipdlelections ih Indian'a the democrats were generally successful They carried Ne "Albany Terre Haute I ort Wayne 'Logansport Madi son' Michigan City nes and? Lebanon They lost Indianapolis byonly 26 majority last November was republicans I carried La 'Porte Vandalia and Columbus liThe elections show large democraticA in liie sttex i Ola man Grant the father of Ulysses is the grace of his hopeful contin ued postmaster at Covingtori The old manJivea5in" the outskirts of the citybsome distance' from the fornier location of to suit his I Trill OQ A Vywe a fl ft A A vtv em a we ft a 1 ft a I 4 out CI KJ LI 111 Wil vlliCll vCjU i3 I rvinuveu same ita poini wnicn pieasem I liimUlt is a' good thing to be father' of 4 a ivauical Jrxesjdent De cause disloyal to say anyining denunciation ot his foolish ness oridjocy Cps o' A Very prudent' politician Taylor of Virginia He is the independ ent republican candidate for the office of attorney geiieraUof the 'ancient dominion In his published confession" of the faith api a supporter Of the present administrasi tion of the nationaligovernmentj so Jrr am able to understand ujuu 51: si nr Gen Grant a short time a pair of boots and the samo week turned an ex soldier out of office who hadi no opcasion i for boots having lost both legsin the battle of the Seven' 1 x' A carpet bag' school in Alabama as two new pupils They are twins sat Addition to Horicon' lot 97 Mv 'j' Addition Horicon ot7t block 2 I Addition to Horicon" ot 9 'i5' block'2 tl Le Town 13 Range 16 1 syr Sec 1 nfswj nw tiwJ 21 s'J ri' njf swi sw '97sJ'seJ hwj '2L nJ: ne nei 18 sj nw se nw 21 'ox Town 3 Rango 1 sw sww nwi lb'4 lot 8 golden spike toU i ij j' f3 ll JU 0 ina? Wh'osa editor? in chief has just been politically endorsed by appointment tis Postmaster of the pret tiest citysonLake "Michigan 'gravely asserts I b' "Us We are confident' there id rfiueb't athing as to use a common phrase freedpm of speech and thefreedom of the press into the th liber ty is decidedly 3' And tbis''is of party which a brief period ago howled lastilyl and then' turned right aronrid! and imprisoned tortured starved or murder i ed men for daring to exercise the inalienable! right UN ow that'same partylaboririg inf interests of Capitahgainst Labor is found ing itfi newspaper organs sand others' tofayorthpe pfa limited Monarchy' orEmpire in lieu ofaYreeRe pubIicESucb is its progress' the people? silerftlj iri' the 'strides' we are making asia Repubfic toward a Despot ism? irl fSo far we have iriot seen a Republicanpapertnaha8)oriejword to againsf Government I moyement' They "shouted ifreedom fort the cbi'der to get into powerand bnce injpower they are rapidly enslaving both black and white We filace the whites last because they are of the east consoquence under fiRepublican aactne Araus fp 4 wrri 1 1 ownen me aemocracy or tne country pro raft Aft' MftM 4 A 3 benefit of our" readers who wish to beposted lot 3 'Blk 2 ac adj lot 7 lot a sice lot lot '4 Sec" 2 Llot 7 and 8 4 L0HBSTERf4 Towri43) Range 15 34 50 2 4oV9 blk 1 nyv 2U village bf Chester 1 I t4y T'Vs 'X! 'L Range 15 X' I 160 nw3 26 nw se Sec 16 L7 'Beaver DamTowd 11 Range 15 1' 120 17 sw sw 15 re ItowrH 'uiy fift se 8W iiWa6ei ne 'sw JwJse nw 20 se ne 2 406 160 nw 20 i ne nw 'i 21" ne 24 Elba' TowO Range 15 nw ne 1 Il sw ne 2L 1 2 ac se cor ne j1 11'nw 5 20 wh ne ne 4 40 nw ni2 5e25 40: :7" to ColufobusJ iptjibipck 1 I Qak Town 11 RangeJlS 5frc lot 5 sec a I 'V vt 1 Barbers Smiths Addition: to Village tof rJ yuueau lots 5 block '7 lots 4'56 9 10 Chandlers Addition to' Horicon lot 7 lots 1 2 374 5 6 7 block 17 Village of Oak Grovfe lot A 9 'Sec 30 Town 11 Range 15 'Village af Minnesota lol LowELLf Town 9 Rahre14 1 1 fc 'Bw tn sw )town 11 if r'l 1 1 8 nw'frl se 7 se nw 3 ne se nw sw '4 I nl se se 8wnw sw se sw ne L10' nw se se sw 26 nw se 33 A jgwsej' wf 33 14 8 ne' ne 30U i nw ne '33 nw nw 34 2 3 se nw 33 sw njy sw 33 road nw nwq 34? se nw "33 nw pt se nw 34 36 Village of Lowell (West Jfilde of riv6r) Iqt el ofJot 6 jw of river) blk 6 Miscells' Addition toLowelL lot 4 block lot 8 block lot 20' loti a to" Village of iov i block 7 5 lot 7 (steam mill lot) block i 'swq sgeq nwq wjswq nwq Watertown lot 7Jr? 50x176 ft lot i :3 lot 1 lot 4' lot 6 I 9: 'Dodg'eCounfy Court 1 nr Probate lit the matter of the Guardianship of Einm Breaker and Mary Breckerminor heirs of Wm Breaker de rpf READING and filing the petition of WilliamXowack who was by this Court appointed guard ian of dafd minors and etill is such guardian setting forth the conditionof the estate of said wards and tacts and circ*mstances tending to show that it would be" lor the benefit of said 'minors to sell the whole 1 of their real to witiv The west nail ot tne soutn weM quarter Beetles "no xown 12 Range 13 east being in the County of Dodge and State of Wisconsin and praying for license to sell said real estate: And it appearing to this Court from such petition Which ia duly verifiedby fhe oath of pe titioner that it would benefit said minors that sueh real estate should be sold for the purpose aforesaid ifrlf is ordered and directed that the next ef gfts of said wards and all persons interested in said estate ap pear before thifl Court at the Court House tA the vil lager' of Juneau in said County of Dodge on Monday the twenty lfrst day of June next at 11 in the forenoon to show cause why a ficense should" hot be granted" for the sale of such And it is further ordered that notice "thereof be given by publishing a copy of this order at least four successive weeks prior tp said day of hearing in the Beaver Dam Arqus a weekly newspaper printed at the PS of Beaver Dam and circulating in ththCoirafy 5 Dated May 20tb 1869 tSJ Jl' bJUOAN county iuuge 4 Afidf everything usually keptffn a irst i The Market has been'' i ESTABLISHED IB a At 3lB riwajtfkept clean and wHreoctedend ate at Low rb ca Tosaibly b9 "CUKXCl 'rVf'p highest market price paid fbratack' Beaver Dam April 29th NtJfcB Mr COMPETITION House Sale or to lie it A rtGOOD TWO STORY HOUSE in good repair sitna ted in the Third Ward containing Three Lots i splendid Soil for Garden and ruit of Apales Cherries and Currants with Small Stable attached Inquire of Livermore or the undersigned near the Promises' I GQULD Beaver May 20 186g 39w2 nited States Internal JRe fi i yeniye 4 OICX'4tb DISTRICT Wiscohsin! Bbaveb Dam May 13tb 1S694 TVTOTICE is hereby givenThat I have received from 11 the Assessor of this District the Annual Tax List for the year and the taxes therein ARE NOW DUE AND PAYABLE i Payment may be made to me or iny Dep aty at tie times and places viz: SHEBOYGAN At Sheboygan Tuesday and Wednesday June 8th and fftli OZAUKEE At Port Washington Thurs day June 10th a jf 'j 1 AS INGTON At Hartford Tuesday Junqloth vt 7 POND DU LAC At ond du Lac at the Savings Bank from May 20th until And at my office in BeaverDam from May 13th to 'I 26w2 CoTfectcrr Internal Revenue 4th Dist Wis Ajrents for SJ fi PXTTENGTLL A CoffiT PTk JTcir MawYork A 8 KEELER 4 Co Naw Conn" OOOK COBURN A Qo8T 'Shfa IIK' rv rj THE MEWS junior member ofia prominent New Ydrk house disappeared Saturday with two certified: checks $95475 and "pirn for $23650 He eft the 'office carryingwitb the checksandcertificates of stock to" tthfe amount to make deliveriesof the stock arid deposit the proceeds tv of the by fire on the 16th' Loss 50000insurance uj? Gloucester Massachusetts on I'fithdestroyeddhe newTowu Hanj Loss rv'V bThe safeof ths Douglass'1 ax manufactory at 'East Douglass jMasswasi opened by tburglars Saturday $20000 incash stolen therefrom i Ar row boat)containing five men was cap isized near Port Norria New Jersey "bn' Suhdayi Three of the meni swam afib ore 'and the other two were drdwriedT 'U powder magazine near WhitehallTepn 8ylvmuaKexploded pn the17th A German whose pot given was killed TheCIearfieldjc Pennsylvania ICprinty xvauoiiai Dana wasTQupeg or nearly $2VU00 by burglars 'Wednesdaynight barrel factoryat Phiiadelphia 'wag destroyed by X7th iLoss $200001 paper roqfing millatNofristowri Pawas totally destroyed byfire on the 18th(Loss $20000Sl vuUj 1 PRpllinfi poimittedsuicidfi at Boston Ajwatchmanon the Ohio River steafner Aymadilloj natnd Edward Mines murdered A deckthand named Natham Johnson I Eckerman's mills thirty miles wefet ofiiSt Louis were burned on theI2th Loss $38000pAnsop suicide jin tqe town of Libertyville near Waukegao Ill on the 1 7th i iL A German gfirl named Hermann Sufrky committed suiede at Ottawa' Illon the12th Three little children 'Emma and John Gfaff and Peter Pigeonwerte buried under sfcnd bankiatClevelandj on thal5th Opera House and several adjoin M6 vuuMiujtw luurutfu Sunday morningLoss $800000 A man Hermah Sandmier wasI buriedbbe neatfi falling'vrall '6( Jackson (Michigan Wdnesdapevenf tug Three young men of that city while out in a boat can ing were capsized and drowsed A fire at little alls on (the 14th destroyed Peter hoel barn A man and four horses perished the flames! The Indians are committing 1 continued deprecations inArizona Tliey urdered an bld citizens 'Milton Si Headley arid captured a1 mail tlainV Seven Companies of under Gen: 1 Carr bad a "battle 5C0 Cheyennes on the in which the latter were defeated with a twenty five killed Gen Carr lost thrte trfbn killed oDispatcKes fro'm Cuba to a 'New pa1 per that Los Minas was more serious than 'reported and 'extremely cHaastroitls' to the'' Spaniards! It seems that the tid of was turned i favor of the insurgents Uy a regiment uni leers who deserted the Govern men and join edthe Cubans a doubtful rumor that lbe' Cuban insurgents have burned the town Sobinuacca Cascaro'and Guemora fl i 4 I Mexicanadvices state that an insurrection I 4 has broken out Queretaro under 1 the leadership oj Alvarez of Mexi co arfr trying to defend themselves against the robbers thatinfest the country and sev eral pitched battles have occurred Mail advices from outh America indicate' that Eopezis'carrying'on ati active guerrilla warfare' A senous not in Trale Ireland is'ire i s'" ported! womobs became engaged a 'v I il fight and the police interfered whereupon botn crowds turned upon the poii lhe latter succeeded in dispersing the rioters after L' 'J1 MAiilUK UIlw cfrtJU VT UlJtl I UvUwlBt txr i iu The Times junder thenead of "The Elqpd Tide of Emigration says: 1 The is they Prbbbaly never in "the history ''of this country have there been such indications of enormous im migration ast "now rom all parts of Ger mauy particularly from Prussia and from all parts of Great Britain land from Ireland news ia that peasanty and met etritriigrating ftof America in numbers unprecedentedi Bremen and Queenstown arefi lied with 'tljem andthq steamships' and packeta are unable toaeeom rrilodate the companies raiselheir rates they charter boats Ubut they do not succeed iu checking the pressure of passengers I rzoai A Germanpaperxaysthat 4 in one fifteen hundred of the peasantry wereconvey ed byrail to the city Bremen and on heAt 1 mttv rr Att Wfk tKniidtinH Elf 4111 awaiting emharcation to thiscountrv''' 5 German emigrant aovieiy renvrw iuaithe increase this'year is about thirty per centtover the arri vals for last years vTEere are more than five times fthe of Germans landed Bt this time than dnriro 1H64 anil'R(i5: I' Pedbermint TE 4 Re pub lican says:" great ii ofdandin this couutris ibis spring al iuted to area is" estimated at Dileboukand acres three or1 as much as'in any previous unitorm succes's' of peppermint vrpreviousp 'yearSv thu1steady demand loroil and tbe very remuner alive prices it has brought have stimulated hundreds qt liind owners and land hirers who have bbl given the crop attentionhithertoto uudertftke its reported that nennermint buvers are anxious tOi con tract the crop present lyear at four dnllara and rpnts nsr nnund frir nil i Senator Trumbull says yne jtne repuoncan party maiue broken up unless some administration will set: the exam ole or some legislation wifr cornnel it of making the price of office good behavior only The scenes and the acramblo of the last month bve been Oisgraceim The people let dljationjNow secretary Boutwell goes into i a fsu quys these same bondsat a discount Ope writer said few daysr I can uow be purchased about percent of their face in other words $350 4 000 of idle 000 of bonds and save $60000 of gold interest Mr'B outweil can safelyspare sixty of which? will fpurchase more then sev enty millions of 520bOnds and save $4 000000 of annual interest on the debt That isto say tbegoyernmeut capbuyup seventy millions of its own noteb "forsfxty rriillionsclearingten in the bargain! And the holders must1 sell 4at thia discount orforego theLpresent right to selL ri w'nwiA nrt I ed to restore her gret staples cotton tobac I repudiation but it I 1 IVL 1 iq mnto he nniMi! tn ai t'kn Jo 'J AV flV UVUlUVIUkJV U4CIA of payings the bonds st their' face iri the lawful money I Vt i The Market for Ttie Chicago zTribttne commentington'thelstatem'ent that in i' the BeuriSylvauiai senate' were $200Q apiece' when the coal tax bill was oh its says: legislators appear to rate higher tban jwestern ones not Upfdbably 'greater intrinsic value of the former but from the greater quantity' ofmoneyS ini icirculaHonin their section 4 4 A3 The Tribune represents the party which controls a large of the state legisla tures both east and west its statements must be 5 considered as eminent authority and cobsequoptlyentitledtogreat weight The easy nonchalance of the manner in which it reasons to a conclusion iMJSA'X PZBiETl Tfe i his old established Meat Marke( Corner 1 CentxSfreetontlBria Keeps censtanjly on hand all kindeo resh Meats in their Season aV Market Wtiemii0mfeasr The Chilton Times seys that while Math ias Heesackers aged 1 7 yean son of Mar ft A it wer Hu uufwthtra oi we vown oi nooaYinep imthat county was out hhutingon the25th ult his gun burst while firing at equirre end a pbrtiouof the Itfrel struck on the forehead severely wounding him 'With the assistance of hisbrotiier he reachec home where he lingered in great paio unti he expired The Manitowoc Tribune says the petrifiet remains ofjin animal has beendiscovered there seems know what it is It is about 13 inches long aud its hes shaped some thing like a On Sunday morning last at 4 clock the dwelling house tof Mr was destroyed by fire The family sayeef but little ofthe furniture Loss about $700r insured for $200' Adtndealcr I ssya a days' since thefamily of Klaije Eagle was taken suddenly ill squchri8that medical aid was required seemsthaoornhd beepthe cause some vi (dictive person having thrown" itthe well The well was cleaned out and a substance "i PP" attached tojt that looked ike magnesip A bottle of the water beenwnt to for "anal iMUopbut family are recovering The Richland CountyWicreibls that a Tittle son of Thamas countydied on riday from the oX8Hgb'i bruise upon one of bis ngers (He took cold in the wound and in namation setting which extended to iis arm causing his death Ine Grant county Herald says the bodyof a boy was found onThursday last on tpe5east bank of the Mississippi river in? nr i i tne town of Waterloo opposite Wabberstown Iowa The body was that of a boy from 12 to i 5 years old He had been struck on the I i 1 lead (yitn some heavy instrument? which his'deatb Another evidence in 'H? ir I aw a a VI iVHJaUU WQ of yiolence is that a heavyj eord was tied behold the It means dearer bread around the neck and the flesh ap 1 an less of it4 increased 1 expenses of living sotrieweJglt had been an gliding taxation 'j'L' 7 ki time for the wife and the children of the workingmanrand no hope ahead or is he the water 1 not patient and submissive? Doe upt tfae While Mr Maurice Clark who resided i I pleasure of being cheated entirely reconcile mBes weiVlof janesvilief wm the yranny6f these Radical leaders? i a vve nave not'toiC! the whole The ground one day last weekwith a heavy iron I oa nc 'it I sources ot eaeral income are dryingup roller his team restive and threw both at the North and south We hear of him off the seat iul fiont of the rollerHe failures everyday of men lockingup their stop horse's before the' im I capital of hearts failing them for fear mense Weight went entirelv bver RTeBed aar PQliticians ore' cruel I 7 i I and fiendish then history records for the Was severely bruised and had hip I four years past the South hasi vainly struggl cated e4 19 rest0ei her great staples cottqn tobac The Milwaukee Wisconsin1 say Deputy I co sugar and rice The two last are noth United oster' of "Appleton a11 paid off as a 'mere bagatelle on Thursdaybrought to' that Edward pteasure and of negro govern rM ji Dir I raents tobacco: is ihlf the cold crop" while UBthwaite Deputy Collector qf lnternaj Hfae great cotton crop which once poured its Revenue at Green Baywho is charged with stream of wealth all oyer our borders' has the1' embezzlement of between $5000 and I not reache half of what it was before the60diftb" four er p8 ed HHee ths war and over two years of reconstruction' examined before United Slates Commissioner Such is the atatesmanship of this party Bloodgoqdriday wh onfield him tobails Such is the financial condition of the country Thursday evening the propeller ountain worse by far than it was at the close 'of Ciiu wls haulinp iri to' her dock? Wm the war Tuhe? the debt wH indeed' if Vf but everybody was ready ta go work smith hd bis leg caught in the coi of the ipbe people everywhere wanted to curtail I line anti drawn through a hawse bole The I Government xpenseSj Theoldiers did mot ing! leg was cut entire grumble at being disbandedTheyswelcom off above the knee 'so that the limb dropped the and a retorn to industry into the water He was attended to and I will probably getwel farmer from But no! Thy Radical party would not con to a conclusion isj worthy of note rtotn waa nnt nf O99fi thn othar I sent Tt must have war at rift vnrianrn I evCn ln these times day by confidence gain He cashed a I large armies grievances and outrages? fcr check for a new and 'the proAjgacy and ran offandjeft him Ln i economy The EauClaire ree Press reports that I "We arraign this party and especially its Ole Gunderson head sawyerin I eaJers in Congress and affiliated State gov i 4 ernments 'as responsible for 'the present mil was iMtrntl killed by the pg bell disgraceff lale: affm Thev Ibe which he was 'repairing whileolher portions reins of Government fend they all' the of the? machinery were motion1 He was power of tbe Constitution they "went an indostrious young man andtlmd been I oatsidefqr more zThe people behled this married but ree week ud SW'1 1 Behold the result! Is it not an era to make t'The La Crosse 'Republican says two Nor I every man blush? Corruption on a gigantic wegianst were drownedfton ThnrsdayTast settle exposed: andrad mi ted pyet rioreforma about a mile up Black River while attempt tion inqimprovementj the people not yet generous A indignation which is nm inpvwflratiin in rr i xt ii fcu fl flfl AAA i mt fl 's I i 1 1 i i is' i other Ivinir a few rods distant on a couple of 10 PeoPle Is th Debt The republican other lying a lewyods distant on a coup oi conscious thatit is all wrong yet aper ben makin th'most ofreduc logs temporarily fastened togetherThelogi the thieves walkr secure: the corruptionists tion ofthe national debt by about $6000000 separated when about halfwaybetween the Congress fan ijwax fat and: are at statement fbr 5 This I pasp wnilfl IJIPTf ia miacrv ovrrvwl orij in iha I i two rafts and botn were arownea witnmva binJ short 'distanceof where they fell into the 1 £: water rn I ihnsi Racine Argus says the lafest freak of mination'of the5nJarkef aS nature in that vicinity is I quoted1 inWall 'street of'fiveHwehty bonds legs The chicken is way perfectly I and treasury i notes since both were issued innnrt und healthv and as livelv a rest Aowtbat the difference between them iznftu I has been merely the interest on the bonds of the broodri? Ihfee legsnre on one side of 4nde ibst: of converting" the body' though twcPbf ihm do hotf touch 1 occaidhaunitupor the grdund'as theyrather project behind tarit fluetuations varyingJthis'Tule but ithas And' borizbtitaflyi being "situated just teen generally operatiyevliThe creditof the of the leg 'bn ordinaryehickins is nment has been the basis fordetprmii has been that no' policy would Ibe1 pursued UTheiHn'dsbn Sidr and Times sajHi yonng that would discriminate' unjustly between the man named Mortimcr hunt 1 demand notes of the government bearing ing pigeonJ one" day last weekand met no jnerest sand its intercst arin pbbga 1 an accident' that required the imputationof possible band near the wrist'He stoeped down twenty bonds by Secretary Boutwell may iri forrithe purpose of stickTto crease their pricey without causing corres throw at a pigeon with the muzzle tof ihis ponding increase in price in greenbacks rrt if the credit of the be ad SiiOlguw in one an xue gun vanced by the diminution of the principal and blew a hole through the band riddling 1 and interest of the debt' that 'advance' must 1 it i fovnrnhlv aflrcrf cnrrpnnv' 7 '7 77 7 it'MreiriMarv Loftis wasT baffled to aonar paid online ueoi is a auauionai as a i i lunnnrp nf tlie snlvpncv nf the pnvprnment i IHX Ifl flfl flw ft 1 WWW WWW aw flm fl fl fl fl flr fl xr 1 aeatn at ureenm xueuyrY uei Aft ft IftftBoftftftft flft4flftfl' flM uu piujivjutcw vi urviuanc mvuu uunuir rtiAthoaTftKinor nm tiirtJHi iiae 7 it rat in tn 1 ft I a fl zI ft ft 4 ft ft ft i xw ft rt rl ft Aft mt i ft 1 ft ft 7 OIJliUUUtUUllvBq UUgIH IUUUvl 1U llVVUUlUiv tv kerosene which she was to 'light" 1 for resumption specieipayments Joutwell isjHri faet commencing I yr crutimi In this bfi pursuing a policy demanded by fromhis 8ulky onMonday democratic party and one wnicb? would 1' sV I have been inflexibly by aIargej The Oshkosh Northiesterh says Tues majority of the republican party in the west day the cabin boy William the I ateteaia'tbo' presidential campaign of Steamer feH Merm Oshkosh arid was i A son of W'l)on' be settled" 'They chiefly concerned the 1 of I riegrpf and as the people tire 'becoming tired stepping at Saw I of elevating him ito positions which 'dre and Shingle Mill iri Menaihdoh dos notbiog but make 1 himself yidiculOns I 1 I land work mischief they are turning atten jlast while 'the' machine WM' It Itron to 'political issues which directly "and I terribly: crushed and mangled and had greatly j'I v'l tn bAmVutnted?" The TimBsH orie vday I policy is aniopefr and poH last week Justice Sarau was called itiv? the hnmbugwhich his has two new nuPils Theyare twinssaf VU fl Barty has cTeated and circurated abQut the Ifroned colored' and call her They marryjB young fellow not over 18 years of 1 repudiation! It 'an assertion that it is riot! never ha any father age to a woman of 4(r or spJ The young konly the privilege bat' the duty of tbe'gov 1 cu 1 husband became a father in course of a lernment buy its bonds for less than their In the strorig mindedconventiontheiwo fewWw which' ac if ifcn dJ I greatdifficulty Jn learning to vote i T5L4 diction of the doctrine of the bondholders nay 4 Theyare not accustomed to' saying no tRe cocoanu' that the government can not without dish on Lto sS'i ri frir pay or redeem itsbonds inanything but ft Jt Se jft i Aoi ftom part of Sou Coro Loia'tine'bundred coot 'uLfBoBoifer it is" raid contemplate trip ropreeor tb upl aadto oo cjopaper boKTw plion of tbiside 0TCrUm Paoiflo Railroad'? He is kftfldhak Btillsteadly mounting Let us have another bill ito preserve the public The wheat corn and othercrops are re ported very nromisinff in all oartstof Kansas ft 4 ft flflrff fTsSYE'? of lot 20 i subdivision lotT3 I irst Addition to ox Lake 'Blk 7 "all of i5'? jr44j 41 ifjifii'i to ox Lake 'ifrt 8'i 'sBlk lot 15?" 2 Jj Town 12 Range 17 'wjra i dy Sec xlot 3of nw Sec io 5 4Ui Village of Theresa' rto ar' block 4 Range 16 ej hf nJ Sec32 se 1 11 Village 'of Kekoskee east of front 1 sw" ne frj ne sw nw4 sw 1: 6 nw'jne 23 fr 6 Island ne se4 23 f7 iu I Town 13Ratige 14 nw se iwnw 5 If: Bo RYLAND Je i nw sw neqr ri bj sw nw ne se ue hwne se qr nw ne se qr sw se qri Uy WdqnHW nw Starter riT 1 se qr Iff 21 11 Village 6f Portland lot XJ Blk 8 B16 lot 20 feet'fri rtun 4vd ming to a point ik lot 3 b6joireread of lot 4 18 lot 4 i7' 1 6f iot 9 U9 lot 5 7 7r67 lot 10'7" '19 Tot 6:7 6ht lot 11 lot 7 4 6' UESTOiny Town 12 L13 of lot 1 1 Sec16 pf 1867 Secf of lot ifni as Ifi'Ttax of 1867 Jd nw7 777'31: fiWjse' nw sw? 7 31 se se 36 ie4wffX4 33 7 Lr HjJ 7 7 rsU lot 2 lot 3 ilot 6 SO i illot 7r' 8 2 Ipt 9 82 lot 10 8 U'3 Hot 11' 3 und 3 1' 8 3 kjGt18 f8 3 fot3 4 9 ri 5 dot 9 10 Dd '5V und lot 12 und lol2 6 pot 13 ot 6: lot ind lot 5 6 iiihd lot 6r ot'3 I st Lj Railroad Addition otl i block 2 2 Sb'uth 'Addition to Horicon Blk I Jot II 5 IVuK 10 dot 9 s' 1 A :26 11 lot 10 a ii 'jots lot 10 a 44? 11 rSaturday May 221869 fro lot 1 cr life 'i ttr tr i lot 2 I ot 8i 'a 2' ot 9j 5 2 und loU2rv mid lot 127j otl ot 2 und lot Ot 47 Ot JO ot Jot 3 fl ot 3 ot 4 ot 5 Central Addition to Horicon Blk 8 8 8 8 "Sec 3 32 5 lots 3 4 5' and of street and 4 i fl Eri Towri'12' Rano 4 'w nw uw 7 13 MtO ne sw jJi 4 14 4JU 6 7 Island ne'se a Vac nw cor ne 34 UuI4 26 nw pe sw m'( ytCoUNTYTTREASUREs SxLElofltfe JUStarks Addition to Village of Westford ir iUjConntyfmatterswe publish below a list of the lands sold by the Treasurer 'iI CL a on the llth instashelist was by the Treasurer inf the Lake fl I i pUK 'Town Ba nge 1 77 nw qr nwqr i 'Sec 2 nw qrU Sec bl 4i Hustisford Town 10" 6 ac ne xorue 'qr J7XktsNo 7 4(4 Lnw nw se ne Lear' pVDfff77 17 sjnjswi I Village of Hustisford neneV 18 wjs4 nwm lota J7 Alndto se ne 12 12 ritofce e'hf Waupun SouthjWard Town beginning 20 rods ofsw cor he qr led 5 13 15 theft ce rods jw '20 rods to sw cor of" At IbtjVe 13 rods n1 10 rods to Watertd wn road to ne cor cemetry lot w16 rods 20 rods and 44 rods to place' of beginning 1 Out lot 3 on ne qr py qr! 4 sec 5 2 5 out lot 4 on ne'qr ne qr 6 out lot 5 neqr neqrAv' riJ hi 6 CALAMusTrTown' ll1 Range 13 a hf sw qr se pw sene qt qr Sell 3 89 qr 7 nw hw qrJeju S73r8wsw qr ht ne or 4 sw ne qr part se sw qr hf hw Be' qr Town 11 Jlange 16 sw ne qr I'zA dot' no 9' fif se ntf do nw sw qr 17 hf se qr'f lot 2 lot no 5 SS hf lot'l (omitted'iind hf lot9' Blk 17 in Bikiri6t I 18J 7 2J'nnd qr Tot 3 18 18' lot 16 1 Vt' 161 dot 19 und hf lot 1 Is? A 4 i( 19 doX jdo I 9 U'23 ni 101 a it I' Addition to Horicon 36 ft lot 2 6 lot 6 lot 5 8 lot 7 'V lot 8 8 I6t 5 lot 6 'Z lotjj 4 rii 1OIO' Preston's Addition lot 7 e4 r8 lot'8 8 2 9 8 tot 9: lotfl1 20 lot 10 Bik iMot i i 'T i 4 6 is "if a Sigh IO 1' 7 jw' iv 7sAs 5.

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.